Important advice during the Covid-19 lockdown:
Welcome to Sports Turf Consulting Ltd. which is headed by Noel MacKenzie, Director and Principal Consultant who has been a notable consulting presence in the Sports Turf industry since 2003.
Sports Turf Consulting Ltd. has a successful track record in assisting our clients to achieve high standards of sports turf performance by supporting them with technical agronomy and management assistance unfettered by product sales or hidden rewards from sales companies and distributors.

Maintenance Agronomy Services
- Independent Agronomy Advisory Support to Golf Facilities and Sports Turf Facilities.
- Optimisation of Management Planning and Goal Setting in high quality turf management operations planning.
- Performance Greenkeeping for Golf Greenkeepers and Turf Managers
Project Management in Construction and Drainage Services
- Project Management in Sports Turf and Golf Construction and Drainage (Feasibility, Design, Tendering, Project Management, Grow-in).
- Ecology and Environmental Sciences – as relevant to sports grounds and golf courses.
Human Resource Development
- Human Resource Optimisation – Coaching and Mentoring Senior Staff or working with their teams.
- Training and development – development and supporting the Human Resource on the ground.
Business Support
- Business Management – Relating turf management considerations to client business plans and strategy.
Specialist sports turf management for private member golf clubs and commercial golf facilities.
Careful management of both the turf and soil to produce the required bounce and pace needed.
Equestrian sports demand phenomenal performance from the turf. We can maintain this to a high level.

We maintain uniform running surfaces capable of withstanding the immense pressures of a rugby match.

We will assess your cricket table and outfield for turf and soil quality, resources and technical issues.

We have helped many bowling clubs achieve increased speed and consistency of their bowling surfaces.

Noel MacKenzie B.Sc. (Hons), MBPR, RIPTA
Noel has a long history in the sports turf industry with specialist knowledge and significant practical experience of the maintenance and management of fine turf and sports turf surfaces.
He is a member of the Register of Professional Turfgrass Agronomists and BASIS Professional Register, and draws on 5 years hands-on experience and has 27 years experience in consultancy working for ADAS, STRI, TurfTrax and Grass Science.
Clippings from The Grassy Noel
Guidance Notes concerning Chafer Grub Control and using Acelepryn (Chloroantraniliprole)
Before starting a word on IPDM (Integrated Pest and Disease Management) points to bear in mind: Priority of control in […]
Overseeding and Aeration
Never buy seed on price Always on performance As grass mortality rates are higher than ever, greenkeepers want resilience within […]

Mr. John Anderson

Martina Cliton